The End of the Year
The end of the year is practically upon us. Mindful of the bittersweet feelings that come with knowing the long vacation is on the horizon and emotional goodbyes are in process, it's good to remember that everyone (whether staying or leaving) is going through a change.
Whilst checklists abound (the general checkout procedure at the end of the year, magnified if leaving and coupled with a long to do list for the new location if relocating), it’s important to remember to engage with the end of the year process actively.
These two images from The Culture Blend’s article entitled The transition that never ends: The ongoing cycle of expat Stayers, Goers and Newbies perfectly illustrates how we may wish it were and the reality.

The final line, “Every year the same - but completely different” certainly rings true for me. Building a R.AF.T. [Reconciliation, Affirmation, Farewell, Think Destination] is paramount if leaving and, if staying, it is important to acknowledge and support the process: Be reconciled to the fact that friends are leaving, accept the affirmations, engage in good goodbyes, and support them (even if - as happens with some - it seems that every sentence starts with, “In X, ….” or “In my new school ….”).
Whilst being in denial and/or looking to the past/dreaming of the future is easy, I invite you - during these final few days - to be fully present in the here and now and to wholeheartedly engage in this process of change. “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future. Concentrate your mind on the present moment”.