A Major Adjustment

This year saw the publication of Andy Merriman’s A Major Adjustment: How a Remarkable Child became a Remarkable Adult which is a follow up to his 1999 text, A Minor Adjustment. The Story of Sarah - A Remarkable Child.
Having taught Sarah (and her older brother, Daniel), I realize some might accuse me of being somewhat biased in my admiration for the Merriman family. Having got that disclaimer out of the way, I have to say that both books are very easy to read. Andy’s voice (and that of other family members) comes through loud and clear. The first book has very frank accounts regarding the family learning that Sarah has Down’s and the reality of coming to terms with this. All in all, both books are especially heartwarming and Sarah’s exuberance and her family’s intense love for her exudes from each and every page!
As referenced in my March 4, 2018 blog entry, Reflection & Philosophy, I learned so much and am forever grateful for learning first hand at the beginning of my career the importance of (i) collaborative practice, (ii) the power of words and (iii) viewing a diagnosis not as a label, but simply as a starting point from which to consider appropriate strategies to best support the individual student holistically in the here and now and as the foundation for future growth.