Professional Development

George Couros’ recent post, 3 Simple Questions To Shape Professional Learning, resonated with me.
I find that regardless of the area of focus, the best Professional Development opportunities:
(i) remind me of prior learning and/or crystalize an understanding or,
(ii) inspire me in moving forwards.
Ideally, Professional Development opportunities do both. Hence, I appreciate Couros’ succinct questions:
What has challenged you today?
What has been reaffirmed?
What will you do moving forward?
He states that the first two questions respectively “... help people embrace their discomfort. The hope is that own (sic) what they are struggling with, and they share it openly with others… ” and “... there are things that they are currently doing that need to be validated and celebrated...”. He shares that frequently Professional Development is akin to a warm bath (whereby you receive confirmation you are on the right track) or a cold shower (whereby you are challenged and left feeling uncomfortable). He deems the last question - which, in effect, combines both the positive and challenging elements - to be the most significant as it ensures “... people do not become “over-thinkers and under-doers.”...”. Rather, it moves them into a place of agency in determining next steps.
I am very appreciative of the fact that very early in my career an experienced teacher shared with me the importance of implementing strategies/learning from a PD within a few days of attending a workshop, rather than waiting for the perfect time to do so. Besides moving forwards while the learning/information is fresh and helping to internalize new learning quickly, this allows us to take ownership and grow and develop professionally.
I believe that it is imperative to keep uppermost in mind these three questions when attending and/or leading PD.