The Skills

Mishal Husain’s The Skills is a compelling read. In an August 2018 article in The Guardian, Ms. Husain summed up her rationale for the book with the following statement, “I really wanted to distil the tools of the trade that have worked for me”.
Certain themes in the text are very familiar and remind me of a multitude of conversations with many friends and colleagues over the years. These conversations have centred - inter alia - on workplace dynamics, gender imbalance, and societal pressures women have faced/continue to face.
Per the title, she focuses on “the skills” (planning, preparation, starting out, speaking up, standing up, the digital you, keeping sharp, owning it, rising up, resilience and balance) and shares personal insight and the views and experiences of others. In addition to Ms. Husain’s authenticity, integrity, and humanity which is evident on each and every page, I appreciate quotes from notable individuals such as Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgh. These illustrate key points regarding - per the byline - “from first job to dream job what every woman needs to know.”