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#241 Data

I very much appreciate infographics and other images which have the capacity to illustrate key points quickly and effectively. I found this one regarding data doing the rounds on social media last year to be very effective.

By using Lego™ bricks to illustrate how data can be demonstrated, Brandon Rossen shows what data looks like in its initial raw state, before sorting, arranging and finally presenting it.


The cynic inside me is most aware of how (calling to mind the expression, “"Lies, damned lies, and statistics") data can be manipulated.

I recall the promotional literature of one international school sharing IB Diploma Results indicating of those students who studied Danish A, 100% earned a 7.

The documentation did not include the fact that it was only one student who had undertaken this course as a School Supported Self-Taught.


Does this infographic resonate? Does it enhance your understanding of data and how it is used?


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