
Mindful that representation and the power of role models can not be underestimated and further to last week’s blog post, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion [DEI] [Part I], I wish to share some relevant resources which came to my attention over this past week.

Amanda Gorman’s poem, The Hill We Climb, at the January 20, 2021 inauguration focussed on hope, unity and resilience. Mindful of the recent political climate in the US, this poem was powerful and - with the knowledge that Amanda experienced a speech disorder and auditory processing disorder - all the more poignant.
The Hill’s January 25, 2021 White House commits to sign language interpreter at every press briefing is a welcome sign and evidence of a White House administration’s intent on being more inclusive.
Cuerdas, a ten minute video from 2014, highlights Maria’s life changing experience at school. I shared the video with a dear friend who responded with, “Bawling!! We need more Marias in the world...❤❤❤”.
The Guardian’s January 26, 2021 interview, Ken Ross: 'I want to see a disabled person who's as famous as Brad Pitt on screen' reiterates the importance of representation within society and the impact thereof on all.
Carney, Sandoe & Associates’ January 22, 2021 webinar, The Role of a Diversity Equity & Inclusion Director - 2021 FORUM/Diversity, highlights best practise strategies regarding the ways in which a DEI director can raise awareness and engage with others so as to support and empower those within and beyond the school community.
Mindful of the importance of representation and role models, I do hope that these resources (along with many others) coupled with action can engender those within our school and the wider world to continue to create communities that are diverse, inclusive and with equity at heart.