OpenApply [Blogpost 108]
(Source: Unknown)
I have always appreciated the simple, yet spot on depiction in this image.
Whilst we hope the implementation of new programmes is smooth, the reality is that it most often is a steep learning curve with ups and downs along the way. Our experience with implementing OpenApply has, as one would expect, entailed moments of frustration as well as Eureka moments. Fortunately, the Eureka moments are heavily outweighing those of frustration!
We have, over the last few years, been wanting to implement an online application process with a focus on being user-friendly (for prospective families) and - when compared with paper/spreadsheets - less cumbersome (for Admissions and other M’KIS staff).
While we were informed we could implement OpenApply in as short a time as three weeks, we chose to take longer for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to:
* Wanting to have additional time to fine tune/run trials so as to ensure the on-line process is optimum for prospective families,
* Wanting to ensure our Admissions staff are familiar and comfortable with the platform so as to process applications smoothly and efficiently,
* Wanting to ensure admissions staff are fully aware of the process for families and be able to speak to this accordingly when communicating with prospective families through email/on the phone.
In addition, taking a little extra time enabled us to “go live” at an ideal time. While initially we were gearing towards mid-November, it soon became apparent (for a variety of reasons, many of which were beyond our control) it was not feasible to do so. We were reluctant to launch just before the vacation and thus focussed our attention to do so during the second week of semester two.
* This was when all key players (Admissions, IT et al) were on campus so as to fine tune/problem solve face-to-face (rather than trying to do so remotely, not to mention factoring in time difference during the winter break).
* The second week of the semester is generally a little quieter and calmer as families aim to enrol during the first week and thus this freed us up to focus on implementing OpenApply.
* Mindful that we always see an increase in visitors and applicants from China/Korea due to the Lunar New Year holidays, this was seen (prior to the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus) to be timely so as to capitalize on visitors from those markets.
It is evident that the successful implementation of OpenApply has been due to a concerted effort by various departments within school and prompt responses to our questions (there were many!) from OpenApply’s support desk.
In order to continue to develop our understanding and grow as a team, we have weekly meetings scheduled solely to focus on OpenApply. While we still have much to learn about the full capabilities of OpenApply, it is - however - safe to say that each and every day we feel more and more comfortable with the features of the platform.