#258 Nyepi, a day of silence and serenity

Seeking stillness - as so wonderfully illustrated in this Buddha Doodles* image - is oft sought and leads many to engage in digital detox, be it once a week or longer.
Mindful that today it is Nyepi in Bali, Indonesia, it seems most apt to share this image.
Nyepi, a day of silence and serenity.
A day on which all lights and sounds are off.
Traffic (including all international flights) comes to a halt.
Regular daily activities stop.
Silence and serenity take hold as the Balinese reflect on the past year and set positive intentions for the new year.

This image is taken from an published in thejakartapost.com with the title "Nyepi — A perfect time to ponder". Click to read: https://www.thejakartapost.com/academia/2019/03/06/nyepi-a-perfect-time-to-ponder.html.
Whilst you may not be able to enjoy the luxury of having a day of silence and serenity, I wish you time for reflection and stillness when possible.
* “When you need a pick-me-up during a busy day or a moment of reflection before bed, Buddha Doodles is the perfect way to slow down, nourish your soul, and cultivate joy.” - https://buddhadoodles.com/