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#277 Self care is ...

Of the various definitions relating to wellbeing, I very much appreciate Martin Seligman’s PERMA model [Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments]. It encompasses various elements pertaining to the individual and beyond.

In the interest of being grounded and an overall sense of wellbeing, Alysha Waghorn’s list (see image above) offers various ways to rest, relax and rejuvenate and very much encompasses elements of Seligman’s PERMA model.


As shared in my March 2023 blog post, Golden Moments, I am oft reminded of a Professional Development session I attended where the focus essentially was on wellbeing.

During the session, we were actively encouraged to consider events/activities that occur on a daily basis and which could be termed as ‘golden moments’ or ‘magic moments’.

These are moments in which one can take a few moments from the chaos and craziness to be, to breathe and to become grounded once again.

In my experience, such moments make a good day even better and a challenging day more manageable.


One of my former colleagues gleefully shared that each morning she would - holding her mug of coffee, feeling the warmth on her hands, the steam on her face with her beloved Jacques Brel playing in the background - take a few moments for herself. This simple act was a ‘magic moment’ and a morning ritual to which she held dear.

For me, my ‘golden moments’ vary.

Whilst living in KL, the Adhan/Azaan [the Islamic call to prayer] each and every morning around 06.00 was very calming and centring and - while still dark and before traffic took hold of the city - ethereal.

Here in Paris, my ‘golden moments’ are varied and include, but not limited to:

  • my morning espresso(s) and eating freshly baked baguette (especially welcome on cold winter days) on the way home

  • quiet time to set intentions, think, and reflect

  • evening walks and weekly yoga sessions

  • connecting with friends be it in person over coffee or via WhatsApp

  • feeding my creative spirit through taking photos (especially of street art) or writing


So with the view to increasing your own wellbeing …

… I invite you to consider which of the items on Alysha Waghorn’s list you already incorporate into your daily life as well as those you could add and/or increase in terms of quantity and quality.

Does the notion of integrating ‘magic moments’ throughout the day resonate with you? If so, …

… I challenge you to take the time to stop, pause, and take a breath; to create your own ‘golden moments’ during your day; and to reflect on what you do and/or can do to bring (more) happiness and wellbeing into your daily life be it through setting intentions, reflective practice, meaningful connections or otherwise.

May you develop your own smorgasbord of self care suggestions to ensure wellbeing for both today and beyond !


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