I have always been fascinated by the way in which some basic ideas can be distilled into a quadrant, notably the Johari Window, Leadership Styles per Situational Leadership and The Eisenhower Matrix (see images below).
The Johari Window [Levin, M. (2016)]. Situational Leadership [Todorov, A. (2017)]. The Eisenhower Matrix
With regards to changes as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and further to the reflections evident in my blog posts Change, Uncertainty, and Opportunity (May 2020) and Cherish, Change, Chuck (June 2020), I wish to share the Post-Crisis Innovation Quadrant (see image below).
First of all, I appreciate the simplicity of the quadrant in terms of word choice, description and the colour coding. More importantly, I appreciate the wording on the axes. By linking between action during the crisis and action post-crisis, it subtly reminds us that there we are on the path to an increased sense of normality and that we have the opportunity - on both a personal and professional level - to reflect upon the past and to look forwards and innovate.
Bennett, N. and Lemoine, G. (2014) What VUCA Really Means for You Harvard Business Review
Brady, A. (2020) Change, Uncertainty, and Opportunity
Brady, A. (2020) Cherish, Change, Chuck
Cuban, M. “Wherever there is change, and wherever there is uncertainty, there is opportunity!" https://quotefancy.com/
Levin, M. (2016) How to Build More Self-Awareness & a Stronger Culture Using the Johari Window https://www.successfulculture.com/
Todorov, A. (2017) 4 Situational Leadership Styles to help develop your teams atodorov.org
Post-Crisis Innovation Quadrant
The Eisenhower Matrix: Make Urgent vs. Important Decisions with 4 Quadrants Develop Good Habits