#227 Being ...

Mindful that we are human beings (and not human doings); what, if instead of to do lists, we kept to be lists?
Rather than measuring our success merely in terms of items on the to do list magically being completed, what if we were to take stock more broadly of how we are and (by leveraging these attributes) how we can best contribute to creating a positive culture within our communities.
In choosing to be human beings (rather than human doings), we can mindfully focus on various elements starting with …
… being present
… being aware
… being caring
… being kind
… being intentional
Despite our days being so often punctuated with multiple items on a to do list, it is important (regardless of how frenetic the day is) to focus on what it is to be.
I recently read a quote by James Clear, “We don’t rise to the level of our goals. We fall to the level of our habits”. I can not (especially after the pandemic) help but think that adopting habits focussing on being (rather than simply doing) benefits not just us individually, but the larger communities in which we live and work.
When reviewing the day and planning for the next, I encourage you to not simply look at the items achieved and what you can/must do, but rather to also reflect on how you can be.
The above quotes serve as a gentle reminder as to what is (in my humble opinion) important each and every day.
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