Good News Stories - part II

As shared in my previous post entitled Good News Stories (from June 6, 2019), I absolutely love good news stories and especially those which highlight individuals making the world a better place for us here and now and for future generations.
These articles relating to stories from San Antonio, Texas, Burma and The Philippines warm my heart. They do not relate directly to education in the formal sense, yet they all embody the IB Learner Profile attributes of caring and principled which are respectively defined as “We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.” and “We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.”
The inclusive nature of Morgan's Wonderland, as evident in this post, This New Water Park In Texas Was Designed For Kids With Disabilities, highlights principled and caring action. This is most evident in the final sentence, "Morgan's Wonderland promises to give individuals with physical or cognitive special needs a place where they can splash and play without barriers”. A recent article entitled, New Law Requires Every Student to Plant 10 Trees to Graduate, highlights the impact that this new law will have on The Philippines. I realize that this is a top down initiative, rather than a grassroots up initiative, and thus there is some compulsion, rather than pure desire to plant the trees. However, I would hope that by being made aware of the impact of planting trees so as to move from a net loss to a net gain of trees will engender students in The Philippines to wish to do more for the environment on a long-term basis.
The Goodnet article, This Man Bought 10,000 Ride-Sharing Bikes to Give to Poor Students, is not just caring and principled for students, but also - by virtue of recycling (no pun intended) - is good for the environment.
The following websites focus on Good News Stories:
What good news stories do you have to share?