#228 Mindfulness quotes

I do love how - regardless of the time, place or context in which first said - a quote (and especially a mindfulness one) can so often feel perfectly suited to the here and now.
For many months, I have been sharing mindfulness* quotes (under the hashtag #mindfulmonday) via LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. My purpose in posting a mindfulness quote - be it originating from centuries ago or more recently, from lands far away or more locally - is to draw on the wisdom of others and set a positive tone for the week ahead.
In a world of so much uncertainty and change, the above quotes (and countless others) bring perspective and a calm tone to the start of the week; and one which I hope will last through the week.
If you have enjoyed this post and quotes within, please share with someone you know.
* Greater Good Magazine’s definition of mindfulness:
“Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens”.