
Ever since I first heard of Jólabókaflóð, I have been in awe of this Icelandic tradition which promotes literacy and celebrates reading for pleasure. In Iceland gifts (most notably books) are exchanged the evening of December 24 (as is the case in many countries in western Europe) and then the evening is spent reading the new books. With local lockdowns, restrictions and uncertainty, this appears to be the year when staying home and reading new books during the evening of December 24 would be the perfect way to usher in the winter break.
I enjoy - as referenced in my July 2019 blogpost, Reading - having the time to sit back and read at leisure and for pleasure. Most recently, I very much enjoyed reading Elif Shafak’s How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division as well as Kim Scott’s Radical Candor and look forward to having considerable time over the upcoming three week winter break to read widely. Photo below is of some books which are on my yet to be read or time for a re-read list.

During this upcoming break, which books - for personal and/or perhaps professional purposes - are you planning to read or re-read?
Brady, A. (2020) Reading
Iceland Writers Retreat (2016) The Christmas Book Flood: A Beloved Icelandic Tradition
Scott, K. (2017) Radical Candor
Shafak, E. (2020) How to Stay Sane in an Age of Division