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International Educator
with a high degree of belief in and enthusiasm towards students
fulfilling their potential academically, socially, and emotionally.
Anita Brady

#280 End of 2023 Reflection
As an educator working on the Northern Hemisphere schedule, it always feels as if there are two opportune times to reflect: (i) at the...
Dec 31, 20232 min read

#266 Lifelong learning
I strongly believe in the notion of lifelong learning. These quotes embrace the transformative learning thereof and, consequently,...
Mar 31, 20231 min read

I have always loved watching The Olympics. I love it all: the stories, the backstories, the commentaries, the facts and figures, the...
Aug 12, 20212 min read

# 184
I appreciate how The Art of Mentoring image highlights the importance of starting “from where protégé is: not where you want [them] to...
Jul 1, 20211 min read

The end of the school year is a natural time to reflect on the previous school year. This year’s reflection includes the reality that on...
Jun 17, 20212 min read

As a reflective practitioner and lifelong learner who regularly engages in formal and informal PD, a highlight of my week - despite being...
May 20, 20212 min read

I have always been fascinated by the way in which some basic ideas can be distilled into a quadrant, notably the Johari Window,...
Feb 25, 20211 min read

With 2020 drawing to a close and the promise of 2021 beckoning, I am choosing to share a variety of links which have - over this last...
Dec 31, 20204 min read

Ever since I first heard of Jólabókaflóð, I have been in awe of this Icelandic tradition which promotes literacy and celebrates reading...
Dec 17, 20201 min read

When we think of role models, we often think of those we see from afar, such as Malala, Mandela, or MLK, or those with whom we live and...
Dec 3, 20202 min read

As referenced multiple times before, I believe in the importance of lifelong learning and as such continue to challenge myself personally...
Nov 19, 20202 min read

Further to my blog posts entitled Knowledge + Empathy + Action (June 4, 2020) and Knowledge + Empathy + Action [Part II] (August 13,...
Oct 29, 20209 min read

I have, over the years, admired sketchnotes which I have seen on various blog posts and on social media. I have even included some in my...
Sep 24, 20202 min read
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