End of Year Thoughts ...

While in so many respects it makes sense to reflect and project at the end of the school year, this Graham Greene quote reminds me that this point in time is (in many ways) simply the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next in the book of life.
Looking back, there have been many highlights this year. Most recently, I had the honour of attending our Grade 12 graduation ceremony. It was a truly memorable event and not simply because of the rite of passage it represents, but because the sense of community, the love and respect amongst students as well as between students and educators was evident throughout the evening. This was especially so during inspiring speeches given by students and faculty.
Looking forwards, I know that the question, “What next?” seems to be ever present. I know that for students the “What next?” or “What do you want to be when you grow up?” can - despite our best intent - become a source of pressure if they are unsure of their path and/or feel obliged to follow a particular path. I love how this simple image and caption in response to the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” reminds us (regardless of our age) of what is important in life.

While this time of year is bittersweet (as shared in my June 2018 The End of the Year blog post) as we say goodbye to students, families, friends and colleagues moving on to new schools and the next chapter in their lives, this A.A. Milne quote resonates deeply as it reminds us to be grateful for our shared experiences and to honour the emotions we feel at this bittersweet time of year.